What is the Appearance and Consistency
When the worker bees produce Fresh Royal Jelly from the glands in their heads, it has a very light colour ranging from pale cream to pale yellow and has a slightly cheesy smell. The texture and appearance can vary depending on the geographical location but generally the texture and appearance is similar to custard.
Over time, if it is not stored correctly, it will deteriorate and change colour turning to a brownish dark colour. So, if you have bought Royal Jelly that is brown and dark, you will know that it has either not been refrigerated or is very old - either way the product would have lost most of it's nutrition and will be virtually useless.
Over time, if it is not stored correctly, it will deteriorate and change colour turning to a brownish dark colour. So, if you have bought Royal Jelly that is brown and dark, you will know that it has either not been refrigerated or is very old - either way the product would have lost most of it's nutrition and will be virtually useless.